I use Dick Eastman’s Prayer Wheel each week during a morning run. Today, during the waiting, watching and listening, I took in the season change. There is beauty in the fall foliage. The sky was heavy with cloud cover this morning, as if a blanket was covering us, holding in the heat of the earth.
The sprinkling of rain was normal. In every season, Pittsburgh has precipitation (rain, fog, snow, ice). I was dressed in layers: hat, waterproof jacket, gloves, neon green safety vest, and flashing hazard lights. I want to make sure that everyone sees me in the morning dawn light.
I meditated on 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! We have to give up the old in order for the new to come. This applies to me in multiple ways.
Next week I retire from Aetna. I am leaving my wonderful and secure job at Aetna. I have spent 15 fruitful and life changing years at Aetna. I have led many different teams under all types of challenges, each an opportunity to succeed. I am blessed to have worked with so many people. It has always been exciting to see many go on to have their own successes.
As I reflect, all the people are like the beautiful leaves on the trees. In my memory, I don’t remember much of the hard work we put in together to succeed. I see the beauty of the multiple colors that the work as produced. I am excited to be retiring.
The next season is already here. At Crossroads Church, I am the Small Group Pastor. When I started in June, the Small Groups were working hard to sustain themselves during a winter season. We are spring cleaning: looking closely at ourselves, deciding what we need to stop doing, keep doing, and what new things we need to start doing. Now is the time for us to dig deep, fertilize well, and plant our seeds. We are praying and planning for the new creation.
In First Place, we are celebrating the completion of our Power of Hope session. We have focused on the hope that we can only get when we focus on God. At the beginning, we learned that, Hope deferred makes our heartsick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Prov 13:12). Now 13 weeks later, we are celebrating the overflowing hope, But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more. Pslam 71:14.
We have learned that hope that is not based on God’s will, as revealed through His Word, is false hope that does not bring lasting change. However, the minute we are ready to give up our faulty beliefs and become willing to take the necessary steps to break the downward cycle, God Himself guarantees our success! (Yeah!!!) Not because of our own human ability to change, but because He is the God of creation and re-creation, the God of Hope who pours His love into us by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Pg151 the Power of Hope)
Here it is again, the new creation we have through Christ Jesus. The new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! Embrace the seasons of life. They are necessary in order for us to recognize what old ways needs to go and the new ways we need to embrace.
Lord Almighty, forgive me for holding on to old unhealthy habits. I recognize that they are not good for me. I cling to them because they are comfortable. Change is hard, different, and uncomfortable at first. Help me to trust in your Lord. Show me what you will have me do in this new creation during this next step in life. Thank you Lord for all you have done in my life so far. I know that the best is yet to come. Amen.