Observation. Action steps are required. Paul is telling Timothy he needs to flee, pursue, fight, take hold of the eternal life we are called. Action is required. Staying, sitting, doing nothing is not an option.
Application. When God called me, when I professed faith in Him, I need to run from sin, I need to seek God and all the spiritual gifts, and I need to fight against little faith. Satan will always be there to tell me I cannot. I need to fight against doubt. When we all stood up for Christ, when we said he is our Lord and we will follow him, we need to move forward, grab on to the promises of our Lord. We need to take action. We need to Just Do it. Daily time with God. Spend time with other Christians in fellowship. Go outside my comfort zone and fight against the world for my Lord.
P. Lord, help me. Help me to hear you, know what actions you want from me. Give me confidence to go outside my comfort zone. Increase my faith. I want your will in my life.