I am using a Youversion.com devotion that is 25-day study for new believers, called One-2-One. I wanted to check it out before I shared it with others. It is powerful messages. Today’s scripture is short and to the point.
Scripture: Matthew 3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
Scripture: Matthew 3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
Observation: No matter what we have coming against us, we are to repent and produce fruit. John the Baptist is sharing this with those he is baptizing. His message is clear and concise.
Application: We are called to grow the kingdom for our Lord. We are to produce fruit. I need to look where I am fruitful and where fruit is not growing. We need to prune when we are not producing fruit. Bottom line; produce fruit as we keep on repenting.
Prayer: Father God, you are patient with me. Help me to see: where I am to go, what am I to prune, who am I to approach, when am I to speak, how am I to serve you. Thank you for this understanding.