Scripture: John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will bear more fruit
Observation: God prunes fruit bearing branches so that they bear more fruit. It seems being cut off is down to the branch where it might be big (maybe when we are full of ourselves). Where the vine is productive, it has many more branches. The vine it is being pruned as it produces more fruit. There are many more branches as a result.
Observation: God prunes fruit bearing branches so that they bear more fruit. It seems being cut off is down to the branch where it might be big (maybe when we are full of ourselves). Where the vine is productive, it has many more branches. The vine it is being pruned as it produces more fruit. There are many more branches as a result.
Application: What in my life needs to be stopped, cut off, because it is not bearing fruit. What is producing fruit that needs to be pruned?
Prayer: Lord, show me what needs to go and what needs pruning so it grows. Lord, it seems scary to ask you to show me. I know you will and I know it could be something I do not want to hear. Help me to hear you Lord. I want more of you and less of me. Show me where there is too much of me and not enough of you. Lord thank you for caring and tending to me. I am humbled to be used by you, may your kingdom come today and forever.