I was a tattletale as a child. My sisters learned early on to keep things
from me so that I wouldn’t run to mom. Today,
I am tattling on myself, the truth
comforts me.

My years of practice as a tattletale found a positive outlet.
As a leader, people expect me to represent their case to the levels of
leaders above. As a mom, I smooth the way for my kids when they find themselves in precarious situations. I take what I know to God and let his truth shed light on my life.
Today I read both Psalm 25 and Proverbs 25. In Psalm 25 David asks: Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. God’s word shows me the way and teaches me.
The first step is to ask God to show us His ways and be open to learning the path he want to teach us. That can be the struggle for me. I want to know, yet there are times I struggle to walk the path set for me. My current path is writing my book Refinished & Refined, 10 Steps to a Miraculous Makeover about my wellness journey. I am halfway and now in procrastination mode for too long. There are so many other things to do besides write. Even writing this blog is part of my procrastination. Ugh, truth.
Looking back at my journal, there are multiple entries where my
action step is to write. I ask people to
pray for me to find time to write. I
even plan my day to write. Yet, I let
the distractions of the world pull me off track. Not surprising, my quiet time this morning
revealed more truth: Write.
The real kicker today was from Proverbs 25, written by David’s
son Solomon. Verse 28: Like a city whose walls are broken through
is a person who lacks self-control. Self-control shows up in the bible 12 times,
twice in the Old Testament and ten times in the New Testament. Each time I read the word self-control, it jumps off the page. I figured out today, in this situation, the
self-control is the protection. The broken
down walls are more like my firewall on my computer. We just renewed our Anti-virus to keep our
computers safe. Funny how firewalls are
something we rarely take down. My book is more valuable than the information
on my computer. I need to keep the
firewall up on my book. I need to be
self-controlled and write every day. Truth!
Just in case I missed the message, this week’s Bible Study
from Living for Christ focuses on a life of truth. God’s word shows me
the way and teaches me. We have to ask
God to show us the truth and
acknowledge he is our hope and salvation.
Protecting ourselves requires self-control. God’s part: salvation and revelation; our
part: self-control, spending time with Him and walking on the path he sets out
for us.
Almighty God, King of Kings. I want to live in a life of truth. Help me to know your path and the courage to walk down the path you set before me. I need the fruits of your spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Lord, I need an extra dose of self-control. Amen.
Thank you for your constant prayers and encouragement about
my book. God is using you to help
Your turn:
Your turn:
- What truth are you hiding from?
- What fire wall do you need to put up to protect yourself?
- Ask the Lord to reveal the truth?