When my body
is telling my mind to have it my way, I feel tortured. Recently, I have struggled with tracking my
food. The tracking happens at the end of
the day or even the next day. No surprise
here, I am regularly exceeding my healthy food limits. I bought into the lie that my hectic schedule
is a reason not to track my food and physical activity. The scale on the other hand reveals the
Today in my
quiet time, Paul’s writing to the Romans 8:7 helped me. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the
Spirit is life and peace.
I am
encouraged by the good news. When we
allow the Spirit to control our mind, we enjoy life and peace. Tracking my food and exercise helps my mind to
know when enough is enough. I am
focusing on the care of my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the same way I ask the Lord to bless my
food, I need to ask him to bless my tracking.
Tracking my activity allows the Holy Spirit to govern my mind. Peace comes when I have tracked at the time
of my meals. From this point forward,
every time I fill out my tracker, I will thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit who
is in me. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
My prayer
today: Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have resisted tracking and
allow my flesh to govern my mind. Lord,
you are my strength; your Spirit gives life because of your righteousness. Help me to allow your Holy Spirit to govern
my mind. Thank you for the resulting peace
and healthy life. Amen
Thanks Helen. I had not thought of asking God to bless my tracking as He blesses my food. I'll be sharing this post with my FP4H class on Sunday.