Friday, October 28, 2011

Mark 14:16 Finding things just as Jesus told them.

Scripture: Mark 14:12-16 12 On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover?”  13 So he sent two of his disciples, telling them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him.14 Say to the owner of the house he enters, ‘The Teacher asks: Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’  15 He will show you a large room upstairs, furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there.”  16 The disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.

Observation:  In verse 16 the disciples found things just as Jesus had told them.  The disciples were used to listening, following Jesus direction, and expecting things to be as Jesus directed. 

It amazes me over and over when I am prompted by God that something will happen, or to do something that I don’t understand the “why”, yet after I am obedient and do or say what I am prompted to do or say, it all amazingly fits together.

Application:  I need to stop questioning and start obeying.  I take too long to respond at times.  I am unsure, hesitant, and afraid.  I need to spend more time responding and less time questioning. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am sorry for the times that I do not respond or delay my response.  Jesus, you are my salvation.  I want to respond to you always in love and obedience.  Lord, help me to hear your voice, help me to respond in the most appropriate way that you desire.    Thank you for all the times that I sense your presence, your voice, your hand on my life.  I continue to be amazed.  Lord, I want to continue to be amazed by you. Amen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Matthew 5:9 Be a peacemaker every day

Scripture:  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

I was away at the Fresh Image retreat at Beulah Beach in Vermillion, OH over the weekend.  It was my first time to attend.  There were 151 women from all types of churches seeking a Fresh Image of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Our theme was Faithfulness.  The scripture provided to me was Matthew 5:9. In my devotion book, Jesus Calling, I was provided 3 scriptures that speak of peace: Psalm 23:1-3; Genesis 2:2-3; and Luke 1:79. Each has their own take on peace.
Psalm 23:1-3
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Genesis 2:2-3
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Luke 1:79
79 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
Observation:  Jesus is the peacemaker.  As a Christian and my walk to become more like Christ, I too must be a peacemaker, everyday. 

Application:  Yesterday as I thought through my   verse Matthew   5:9 I was thinking there was something looming in the future.  Now I am thinking this applies to my everyday life. Be the peacemaker every day.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, help me today, every day, to be a peacemaker for those around me.  Help me to know how to seek peace and be a peacemaker. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Acts 26:31 Share the truth about Jesus at every level

Scripture:  Acts 26:31 After they left the room, they began saying to one another, “This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment.”

Observation: Both Festus and King Agrippa acknowledge that Paul has not done anything to warrant a death penalty.   This is similar to when Jesus stood trial and Herod and Pilate did not find anything to warrant Jesus’ death.   Still in both situations, they defer to the public’s requests as well as Paul’s to go to the next level of the courts. 

Application:   We need to share the truth about Jesus at every level.  Sometimes we think we are only to speak about him to the lost that we see close or far.  We need to share the Good News to everyone at every level no matter where we are.
Prayer:  Lord Almighty, forgive me for sharing your Good News on my terms.  You are my salvation.  Help me to hear, observe, sense who I am to testify to about your saving grace.  I thank you Lord, for your love and amazing grace.  Amen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

2 Corinthians 5:17 Seasons are important in a new creation

I use Dick Eastman’s Prayer Wheel each week during a morning run.  Today, during the waiting, watching and listening, I took in the season change.  There is beauty in the fall foliage.  The sky was heavy with cloud cover this morning, as if a blanket was covering us, holding in the heat of the earth.

The sprinkling of rain was normal.  In every season, Pittsburgh has precipitation (rain, fog, snow, ice).  I was dressed in layers: hat, waterproof jacket, gloves, neon green safety vest, and flashing hazard lights.  I want to make sure that everyone sees me in the morning dawn light.  

I meditated on 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  We have to give up the old in order for the new to come.  This applies to me in multiple ways. 

Next week I retire from Aetna.  I am leaving my wonderful and secure job at Aetna.  I have spent 15 fruitful and life changing years at Aetna.  I have led many different teams under all types of challenges, each an opportunity to succeed.  I am blessed to have worked with so many people.  It has always been exciting to see many go on to have their own successes.   

As I reflect, all the people are like the beautiful leaves on the trees.  In my memory, I don’t remember much of the hard work we put in together to succeed.  I see the beauty of the multiple colors that the work as produced.  I am excited to be retiring. 

The next season is already here.  At Crossroads Church, I am the Small Group Pastor.  When I started in June, the Small Groups were working hard to sustain themselves during a winter season.  We are spring cleaning: looking closely at ourselves, deciding what we need to stop doing, keep doing, and what new things we need to start doing.  Now is the time for us to dig deep, fertilize well, and plant our seeds.  We are praying and planning for the new creation.

In First Place, we are celebrating the completion of our Power of Hope session.  We have focused on the hope that we can only get when we focus on God.  At the beginning, we learned that, Hope deferred  makes our heartsick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Prov 13:12).  Now 13 weeks later, we are celebrating the overflowing hope, But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more. Pslam 71:14.

We have learned that hope that is not based on God’s will, as revealed through His Word, is false hope that does not bring lasting change.  However, the minute we are ready to give up our faulty beliefs and become willing to take the necessary steps to break the downward cycle, God Himself guarantees our success! (Yeah!!!) Not because of our own human ability to change, but because He is the God of creation and re-creation, the God of Hope who pours His love into us by the power of the Holy Spirit.  (Pg151 the Power of Hope)

Here it is again, the new creation we have through Christ Jesus.  The new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!   Embrace the seasons of life.  They are necessary in order for us to recognize what old ways needs to go and the new ways we need to embrace.  

Lord Almighty, forgive me for holding on to old unhealthy habits.  I recognize that they are not good for me.  I cling to them because they are comfortable.  Change is hard, different, and uncomfortable at first.  Help me to trust in your Lord.  Show me what you will have me do in this new creation during this next step in life.  Thank you Lord for all you have done in my life so far.  I know that the best is yet to come.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Scripture:  Acts 20: 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Observation:  Paul set the example.  He shows them that they must work hard to help the weak.  He shared with Ephesians the words from Jesus; we are more blessed to give than to receive.  

Application: I need to give more that I receive.  I need to set the example for others.  I need to share Jesus’ words with others.  Read my bible, do what it says, listen for God’s voice, share what I do and hear with others.

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for my lack of focus for you.  Lord you are my Salvation.   Help me Lord to see, hear, and do your will.  Thank you for the blessings you have graciously given to me.  AMEN

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Job 7:6-7 Where do we go for hope?

Scripture: Job 7:6-7, 6 “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope. 7 Remember, O God, that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again. 

Observation:  Job is hopeless.  He has lost everything.  He is asking God to remember him.  Remember his life.  He is at a low place in his life.

Application:   Why do we have to get hopeless before we cry out to God?  It frustrates me that I look for hope in the wrong places.   “It is not in Here”, applies to so many places in my life.

Prayer:  Lord, your patience is more than I deserve.  Forgive me Lord for not making you my “Go To”, first every time.  I am forever trying to go it without you.  Help me Lord to rely on you always.  You are the strength, power, solution to all that is about me.   Blessed to be a believer.  AMEN.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Acts 11:17 God changes our perspective

Scripture: Acts 11: 17 So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?”

Observation: Peter had his own thoughts and beliefs on how he was to believe.  God has given him a new perspective.  Peter recognizes God was at work in changing the ministry of Christianity.  In verses 19-26 we learn that that the Christians spread out to other areas and the Good News spreads to non Jews, Greeks, none Greeks.   They are first called Christians in Antioch (vs 26).

Application: God is transforming me and my perspective.  I need to let go of the box I have created on who, where, and how God will use me.  I need to be open to be used by God in any way.

Prayer:  Lord, I am often focused on what I want, how I think, where I want to go.  God Almighty, you are my leader, savior, counselor, Lord.  Help me to, transform me, show me, tell me.  Soften my will Lord to your will.  Thank you Lord for your transforming power in my life.  Amen.

God changed my perspective

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Acts 8: 14-17 Follow-up is discipling

Scripture: Acts 8: 14-17 14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria.15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit,16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.  17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. 

Observation:  After the Samaritans accepted the word of God, the apostles sent Peter and John to Samaria.  Follow up was needed with the Samaritans.  When Peter and John placed hands on them, they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Application: When we witness to people and share Christ, when they accept, we need to follow up with them.  Disciple them so that they can receive the Holy Spirit and grow in the Spirit.

Prayer:  Lord forgive me for going ahead, doing my own thing, figuring it out myself. Lord, you are all knowing, powerful, and my Savior.  Please show me my part in making disciples.  Help me Lord to listen, follow do, and say only what you want of me.  Help me Lord to focus on you always in all my actions.  Thank you Lord for this understanding.  Thank you for sending disciples into my life to help me find the way.  Lord, you are amazing to me how you weave us all together.  Each day I see a new relationship, a new person you have placed before me.  Amen

Monday, October 10, 2011

Acts 4:13-14 Astonish others with the courage we receive from Jesus

Scripture: Acts 4:13-14 13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.14 But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.

Observation: They are the rulers, elders and teachers of the law meeting in Jerusalem.  They recognized that Peter and John were ordinary (not trained in the church).  Yet they were performing miracles in Jesus name.  “They” are acknowledging that ordinary men, having been with Jesus were performing miracles and people were listening and following Peter and John.

Application:  Recognize that Jesus uses ordinary people.   Having been with Jesus, we are able to witness and perform miracles in His name.   I need to have courage to do whatever Jesus calls me to do. 

Prayer: Lord Almighty, please forgive me for limiting you.   Lord God, you are astonishing.  Lord, help me today to be an astonishing witness for you.   Thank you for your love and sacrifice for me.  Amen.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Luke 24:45 Jesus is the reason we understand scripture

Scripture: Luke 24: 45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

Observation:  This happened when Jesus last appeared to the apostles, before he descended to heaven.   It takes Jesus to open our minds to understand the scriptures.  This seems so simple and easy.

Application:  I need to ask Jesus every day to open my mind to understand the scripture.  I must rely on Jesus to understand the scripture. 

Prayer: Forgive me Lord when I focus on me and not you.  You are the Word Lord.  Help me to remember that it is not about me.  It is all about you.  I need to depend on you for my understanding. Help me Lord to live my life, as you want me to.  Help me to understand your word and apply it to my life.  Thank you Lord for this understanding. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Luke 20: 26 & 40 Jesus silences

Scripture: Luke 20: 26 & 40 26 They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.  40 And no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Observation:  Jesus had the last word.  The Pharisees did not trap him.  His answers left them speechless.  They did not ask him any more questions.

Application:  I need to listen to Jesus and not always try to give him my reasons.  I am not trying to trick Jesus, but I am at times trying to explain to Him why “my” way of thinking is justifiable.  

Prayer:  Lord help me to know your will.  Help me to know when I have fallen short, disappointed.  Help me to want to change for you.  Your will be done in my life.  Amen.